Why don't we dive right into one of the most controversial and sensitive topics out there? The poll's to the left, so please vote! Remember to only vote once.
Abortion is a tough topic, and many people have been hurt. It's an important issue, and I don't expect you to hold back the truth. I do expect you to share your opinion as gently as possible.
Here's a bit of advice for both sides:
Pro-lifers, calling pro-choice folk murderers or ridiculing their relationship choices will only harm the pro-life cause... and get your comment deleted. Keep in mind that not all who are pro-choice have heard the full pro-life argument. I repeat: many women and men have been hurt by abortion and the issues surrounding it. Knocking them over the head and calling them bad will not make your cause look good.
Pro-choice? Similarly, I ask that you don't label pro-lifers as women-haters or religious fanatics. Many of the most active pro-life advocates are women, and not all hold a religion or faith. Those who do consider themselves under a religion or faith usually have more reason to be pro-life than "my pastor told me so." If you want to be taken seriously, state opinions that are fact-based.
I'll comment with my own opinions on the topic some time soon. For now, I want to see if anyone visits the blog.
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